Are forgetting small things? The reason could be your smartphone
Have you ever noticed yourself blanking on things you never thought you would forget? A study in…
Have you ever thought your smartphone is listening to you silently?
There is a popular conspiracy theory about the technological giants that they are listening to our conversation…
Have we become a world of addicts?
People overly use their smartphones. Smartphone addiction can cause other problems, including lost productivity and poor work…
What are the different types of app addiction?
People have become slaves to smartphones. Smartphone tablet computer are often a productive tool. The use of…
Myopia & its consequences
Experts refer Myopia as nearsightedness. You can see the objects near you, but you cannot properly see…
Signs and symptoms that you must know to see if you’re hooked into phones
The Signs & Symptoms of Addiction According to a 2016 NIH study, DSM-5 Criteria for substance abuse…
Harmful effects of smartphones on kids
These days, smartphones have become one of the vital tools of our life. You can stay away…
How can you help your kids to stay away from phones?
Back then, in our time, the mobile phone was a strict no as it was said to…
Let your freedom ring and not your cellphone.
This pandemic has changed everyone’s sleep pattern, as its three o’clock in the morning, and you are…