Minimalism is a concept to make your life clutter-free. It gives you space in physical and mental form also saves a lot of time and money. Today’s world has a very commercial idea of minimalism that might be crowding your head and your closet or home, even your gadgets. How do you understand minimalism? Here is a small guide that might help you.

Look into yourself and your things first.

Let’s look at your favorite room in your house, and find out what you don’t need. Let’s look at your work station and sort the things that don’t require at your workplace. Let me give you an example. Maybe your work table has a computer, a few books, and pencils, one ashtray, a few keys, lipstick, notepad, etc. put your lipcolor into the right place, keys to the right drawer, move your ashtray to a different zone. 

Now let me explain how it can play a significant role in your life. First of all, having only the things you need on your table makes it spacious, and it helps you concentrate on the thing you are doing properly. Some objects can also lead you to other distractions like your ashtray can make you smoke more, which is harmful to your health and your pocket. 

Similarly, everything can be managed if you keep it simple and clutter-free. 

Imagine how much time your smartphone takes and how much money you invest in running unimportant apps. When you keep your phone free of unnecessary apps, you can invest more time into other important parts of your life. It saves electricity, and it holds a nomadic life. Also, it gives you a visual calmness. 

Minimal living is therapy for your whole life. You don’t invest your hard-earned money behind unnecessary things out of the influence of commercials or a better lifestyle; rather, you invest in a quality and classy lifestyle and products. 

So, how do you adapt yourself to minimalism? 

Make a list of every unnecessary thing you own. Sell or give it to people who need it. Keep your closet classy and full of earthy colors, and in shades, do not keep what you do not use. Buy quality products, not quantity. Give yourself a day to go through your old storage to sort everything. You will surprisingly find that your home is stacked with more unnecessary things than what you actually need. Instead of buying home decorating stuff, have indoor plants or fresh flowers. You can also recycle many things to create handcrafted products.

Then organise every object where it should be, restrict your lifestyle in certain rules like food is only in the kitchen. Cigarettes in your balcony, no work in bed, etc.


When you are cleared, look at your room. Feel it, feel the breath you take. You will feel the air flowing through the spaces you had blocked with the furniture you never needed, look at your closet and feel how it is organized now. Life is like a digital device only; it works better when there is more space.

Read our other article on Let your freedom ring and not your cellphone

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